Purchase on Photon, Pump.fun, Radium
Step 1-Create a ​Solana Wallet
Download Phantom or your ​preferred wallet from the App ​Store or Google Play Store at no ​cost. For desktop users, install the ​Google Chrome extension by ​visiting the Phantom app website.
Step 2-Get Solana ​into new wallet
Ensure you have SOL in your ​wallet to exchange for $BARKLORD. ​If you don't have any SOL, you ​can purchase it from an​exchange or perform a cross-​chain swap, then transfer it ​to your wallet.
Step 3- Go to Photon, ​Pump.fun, or Radium
Connect to Raydium by visiting​raydium.io in Google Chrome or ​using the browser within your ​Phantom app. Once there, connect ​your wallet. Paste the $BARKLORD token ​address into Raydium and confirm​the swap. When Phantom prompts ​you for a wallet signature, simply​sign.
Step 4-Buy $BARKLORD
Simply switch SOL for $BARKLORD by​converting SOL into $BARKLORD CA.